MYP Project Showcase: UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 🌍🔍

MYP Project Showcase: UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 🌍🔍

Grade 6 and 7 students had the chance to undertake an inspiring IB MYP Interdisciplinary Project based on the UN SDGs. This comprehensive activity allows our students to explore and address critical global issues through various themed projects such as Quality Education, Zero Hunger, Affordable and Clean Energy, and Climate Action,etc.
Their research progress has been impressive, with students uncovering key findings and developing innovative solutions to these global challenges.They have also made thoughtful recommendations, such as community-based educational programs and environmental conservation initiatives.
By engaging in these projects, our students develop critical thinking, research, and problem-solving skills, all while making meaningful contributions to global challenges. Their journey through these interdisciplinary studies fosters a sense of global citizenship and empowers them to be proactive changemakers.

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