Term 1 Gallery Walk

Term 1 Gallery Walk

Our Term 1 is coming to an end with the ‘Gallery Walk’ – an academic extravaganza organized to showcase students’ innovative learning journey and progression to their parents.
💯 Students were pridefully leading as they guided their families through their classrooms. They dazzled moms and dads with their outstanding works during term 1 in the form of posters, pictures, hand-made models and presentations. It was an incredibly reflective and engaging experience for all involved.
💙 “Today I feel very excited to be immersed in my child’s class and see what she’s been learning about. I’m also impressed with her ability in learning how to write, it’s getting much better than when she previously practiced at home.” shares Ms. Hai Yen, Intro Grade parent.
Gallery Walk is a strategy at Westlink International School wherein students not only demonstrate how they are developing the attributes of the IB learner profile, but also a testament to the dedication of the teachers in nurturing creativity in our youngest learners and a great time for parents and students to get close together.
Let’s watch their first Gallery Walk together here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBWDo83X30g

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