💦Explore Water Purification Project of Grade 4

💦Explore Water Purification Project of Grade 4

As a part of their “Who We Are” Unit of Inquiry, Grade 4 students learned about fair and equal rights to create better communities. The central idea of this unit is that human’s physical and mental health development is determined by life habits. This was shown through a hands-on STEAM project about creating a water purification system.
They learned about persuasive writing, starting from producing ideas to drafting a persuasive essay about the importance of clean water. They expressed that everybody has the right to access clean water and carried out a water filtration project to support their points of view. The water purification system is made of such ordinary items and materials including used cups, cloth, tape and charcoal. They have shown their creativity and critical thinking when designing and building their own work.
This project expressed the core of our IB Transdisciplinary learning method – the students combined Social studies, Arts and Science together to solve real world problems. The wish to do something that’s beneficial to daily life really shows that they’re going to grow up as responsible citizens who always want the best for their communities. We are happy to see that they develop so much sympathy for the world!

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