Geology Museum Trip with Grade 5 🗻

Geology Museum Trip with Grade 5 🗻

Today our Grade 5 students embarked on field trips to the Geology Museum, where they explored the collections of rocks, fossils, and gemstones found in Vietnam. Under the guidance of museum staff, our children were particularly enthusiastic, actively engaging with the displays and absorbing knowledge about the rich geological history of Vietnam and our planet, the geology and minerals of Vietnam, and different countries worldwide. After that, they dived into how Vietnam’s geology has changed over time and then wowed at the colorful and sparkling fossils, ores, and gemstone samples.
The visit was an educational and enjoyable experience for all. It helped students understand concepts better, allowing them to connect better with their “Sharing the Planet” unit, fueling their curiosity and engagement. It was a fantastic way to deepen their understanding of Earth’s dynamic nature. What a day!

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