🎉An educational assembly hosted by Grade 4S

🎉An educational assembly hosted by Grade 4S

It is time for our Grade 4 students to shine today! They started off with an introduction about what they have learnt in Mathematics. The numerical operations are getting more advanced for them but they are such amazing risk-takers who can conquer it all.

Up next is an educational “Model United Nations” roundtable, where each of them promoted Rights of Children and humanities among humankind. Our school is proud to be a part of Street Child United and we stand for supporting children all around the world. They finished this activity with an emotional real life story from our student Talab about “Forced Migration”.

Then, they all stood to sing a song about world unity “We Are One World”. This aligns with their current UOI “Sharing the Planet”, as we can see them caring and being compassionate about this issue which is such a lovely sight to see. They’re going to grow up as responsible Global Citizens in the future!

As usual, we finished the assembly with a little Learner Profile Award ceremony to acknowledge the hard work and contribution throughout the week. They are all amazing students to us!

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