Grade 5 PYP’s Trip to the Countryside
WIS Events

Grade 5 PYP’s Trip to the Countryside

Yesterday, Grade 5 PYP students and teacher Martin explored the Vietnamese National Villages for Ethnic Culture and Tourism, creating a meaningful connection between our 5-week journey into Ancient Civilisations and the vibrant culture and history of Vietnam.
The students, already well-acquainted with our Where We Are in Place and Time unit, actively engaged in a hands-on experience, applying their knowledge of inventions, communications, foods, and beliefs. This visit served as a practical lens for delving into concepts like causation, change, and form. As they approach the conclusion of our unit, the excursion serves as inspiration for upcoming projects, linking back to our central idea that ancient civilizations have played a crucial role in organizing future communities. The impact on our students was unmistakable – learning came alive as they interacted and absorbed information with genuine excitement. Thumbs up for a meaningful day of shared learning and exploration! 📚🤝
We extend our sincere appreciation to Mr. Martin, our Head of Teaching & Learning and PYP Homeroom Teacher for his unwavering commitment to creating enriched learning experiences for our students. We are thankful for the valuable insights he shares.
Let’s watch the recap together here:
Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside Grade 5 PYP's Trip to the Countryside

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