Why do parents choose Westlink?
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Why do parents choose Westlink?

❤️ Westlink is proud to be a part of your children’s educational journey and happy to have made a positive difference in their progress.

“Westlink is an excellent environment for English learners. After every school day, my kids always have many exciting things to share. Things like their pronunciation, linguistic mindset and ability to express growth gradually and naturally.” – Ms. Minh Trang, Parent of 3 children at Westlink.
“I am really impressed with the teachers’ enthusiasm and passion at Westlink in delivering knowledge to the students and expanding that in real life applications.” – Ms. Hằng, Parent of Grade 3A.
“My kid told me that Westlink taught her to be a risk-taker – one of the factors I want our kid to learn in a globalised world” – Ms. Rose, Parent of Grade 2S.
There’s no greater reward than knowing our families feel the warmth, love, and dedication we pour into every single day at our school. These heartfelt words motivate us to nurture our future generations every day and make Westlink the School of Choice.
Thank you, parents, for sharing your thoughts and feelings, and for trusting us. The journey of educating our little ones continues, and we are excited to have you along with us in the Westlink community.
Let’s watch this video to hear what our parents had to say about Westlink  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn6Vr5PgAE8

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