Last Assembly before Spring Break!

Last Assembly before Spring Break!

🌈 Last week, we ended term 3 with a lovely assembly from our youngest learners, Intro! Our talented students dressed up in different costumes and displayed their energy and enthusiasm through some beautiful singing about alphabet occupations. Meanwhile, they wowed us with the 3 little pigs story that inspired students to work hard for success.
We took the opportunity to honor the accomplishments of our students who graduated the EAL class for their remarkable growth, both linguistically and personally. Finally, a huge shoutout to our IB students for embodying the values of the IB Learner Profile in everything they do. From being principled and reflective to demonstrating open-mindedness and caring, your dedication to these attributes is truly inspiring!
Have a wonderful Spring Break! Looking forward to seeing you all back refreshed and ready to continue our learning journey on Monday, April 8th!Last Assembly before Spring Break Last Assembly before Spring Break Last Assembly before Spring Break Last Assembly before Spring Break Last Assembly before Spring Break

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