Science in Action: Grade 8 Van de Graaff Generator Demo ⚡

Science in Action: Grade 8 Van de Graaff Generator Demo ⚡

This week, our Grade 8 scientists took a “shocking” step into the world of electricity and static charge with an electrifying demonstration of the Van de Graaff generator💡 

Science in Action: Grade 8 Van de Graaff Generator Demo ⚡ Science in Action: Grade 8 Van de Graaff Generator Demo ⚡ Science in Action: Grade 8 Van de Graaff Generator Demo ⚡

From hair-raising experiments to understanding how static electricity works, our students explored the science behind this amazing device. The excitement was truly electric as they experienced the fascinating attraction and repulsion of positive and negative charges. Together they also did a post-laboratory task wherein they answer differentiated knowledge and application questions on the posters about what they have learned from the demo.

Science in Action: Grade 8 Van de Graaff Generator Demo ⚡ Science in Action: Grade 8 Van de Graaff Generator Demo ⚡ Science in Action: Grade 8 Van de Graaff Generator Demo ⚡ Science in Action: Grade 8 Van de Graaff Generator Demo ⚡

A huge shoutout to our Grade 8 learners for their curiosity and enthusiasm – you’re all future scientists in the making! 

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