The Integrated Program at Westlink blends the curriculum issued by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) with the WIS International Program. Students will divide their time between specialist subjects taught in English and MOET subjects taught in Vietnamese. The curriculum complies with MOET’s guidelines but also utilizes the inquiry-based approach used in the International Program at WIS.
Students from Year 1 to Year 9 in the Integrated Program will study a range of selected specialist subjects such as
- English,
- Science and Technology,
- The Arts,
- Music,
- Drama, and
We first ensure that students learn and meet the requirements of the MOET curriculum. Student learning will be extended through additional specialist subjects taught in English. The English and Vietnamese components of the program work together. Careful mapping and consideration is given to ensuring that the English curriculum builds on the knowledge and skills taught and acquired in the MOET curriculum. Other subjects taught in English aim to develop English proficiency in the content areas as well as deepening and extending student understandings gained in the MOET curriculum.
English language learning is one of our highest priorities at Westlink. Students will use the knowledge and skills they acquire in both the MOET curriculum and the additional subjects to prepare themselves for a successful future.
We have intentionally scheduled the school day to have approximately 50% of instruction in English to strengthen language skills as well as accelerate students’ overall English language learning and proficiency. Some subjects may be co-taught by both proficient Vietnamese and English teachers. By doing this, the knowledge and skills acquired will prepare them to transition to the International Program at the end of Year 9, if desired. There will also be opportunities for the students in the Integrated Program to transition to the International program at any year in which they meet the criteria set forth by the school based on English language proficiency, academic performance and social and emotional readiness.
By ensuring students learn additional subjects using an inquiry based approach each day, collaborative learning opportunities with the students in the International Program are possible. These opportunities will allow students to develop language, leadership, decision making, conflict resolution and enhanced communication skills. All these global competencies are critical to independent learning.
Students will be assessed in all subjects as required by MOET as well as in their English subjects. All students and their families will receive written reports for these subjects.